
Building Trust

Let me equip you to co-create your Trust Culture

I help organisations wishing to create an authentic culture of Trust through 3 pillars:

1. Co-creating your Vision, Mission, Values, Purpose (=DNA)

2. Working wisely with Collective Intelligence

3. Knowing yourself and your people with the Enneagram

An epidemic of mistrust.

The theme of trust was inspired by the current pandemic period. Never before have I seen so clearly the lack of trust in our society. A distrust is social institutions, economy, leaders around the world etc. Our world is bound to evolve into a VUCA (Volatile – Uncertain – Complex – Ambiguous) world that is experiencing the unknown as a new standard.

A compass for navigating in troubled waters is TRUST. Trust in ourselves, in colleagues and in management.

Let me tell you what trust is for me:

«  Trust is the confidence among team members that their peers’ intentions are good » P.L.

In substance, teammates should get comfortable being vulnerable with one another.

Vulnerability is the ability to say and be said in front of everyone, without fear of reprisal, revenge or mockery.

Let me tell you what trust is not (I speak from my experience & observations):

  • having difficulties to give an honest feedback
  • avoiding « confrontation »
  • saying you are going to do something but it is not followed by action
  • loving power and control more than your team
  • having a hidden agenda
  • gossip culture
  • not feeling heard
  • having a vision, mission and values that are NOT chosen, understood and embodied by the people
  • listening to coworkers and not taking into account their ideas, opinion, realities
  • stealing ideas
  • being judgmental to one another
  • having zero (or too much) space for emotions
  • avoiding risk-taking, fear
  • an environnement where people feel demotivated, depleted and and/or in burnout
  • accountability doesn’t work or exist
  • etc.

Kind of results you can expect:

# Trust enhances teamwork and collaboration and improves communication
# Trust allows to work together towards achieving the same ultimate business goals
# Trust improves efficiency, engagement and productivity
# Trust enhances decision-making
# Trust decreases stress and burnout in the workplace
# Trust increases employee loyalty and retention
# Trust overcomes resistance to change
# Trust improves innovation and creativity

if you recognize one or more items from this list above in your workplace, we should probably work together!

How I can help :

Co-creating your Vision, Mission, Values, Purpose (=DNA)

Re)mobilizing a team or organisation will involve defining its DNA: what Vision, mission(s), values and purpose. Too often, I see beautiful values, a beautiful Vision on websites but which are not at all lived from the inside.

It is possible to realign each employee with the DNA of their team or company  and to direct everyone’s efforts towards the same goal.

Working wisely with Collective Intelligence

“Collective intelligence refers to the intelligence of a group, a team or a company. It is not the sum of individual intelligences, but the potentiality of different forms of intelligence and levels of individual and collective consciousness.”

Our societies have become so complex that no one, no matter how well informed they may be, can any longer apprehend the world, or even a global problem, on their own. You HAVE TO collaborate, cooperate and use the different sensitivities/experiences/intelligences of your communities.

1+1 = 3!

Collective Intelligence is « a shared intelligence in a group that emerges from cooperation and communication within individuals, serving a common goal. » R. Dilts

If you experience :

  • long (boring) meetings & endless debate
  • an inexistent decision-making process
  • lack of creativity
  • lack of solving problem spirit
  • an important turnover of your talents
  • a difficulty to retain your talents
  • a very pyramidal functioning in your company

then let’s talk!

Benefits of CI

  • Improve company and team performance
  • Improve employee well-being and intrinsic motivation
  • Initiate and lead change
  • Generate new ideas and strengthen innovation
  • Avoiding organisational transformation at the expense of people
  • Create a relational dynamic of cooperation between teams and their members
  • Coordinating and following up an action plan efficiently
  • etc.

Collective intelligence is not a niche phenomenon – it’s crucial in defining the success of any group endeavor, and is a daily factor of any business.

But it cannot be implemented just like that, it requires a method, a good understanding of the issues at stake, a tailor-made approach and… time! 🙂

Knowing yourself and your people with the Enneagram

The Enneagram is an approach for leadership development, emotional intelligence and communication skills for high performing teams.

« We all see the same screen but we are watching a different movie » Ian M.C.

The Enneagram describes nine ways of seeing the world that are very different from one another, each with unique strengths and rooms for improvement.

Learning to recognize these different points of view enables us to understand co-workers’ motivations, needs, concerns and style of working and relating.

Enneagram is

# a self-discovery tool

# a behaviour prediction tool

# a communication tool

# an acceptance tool

# a performance tool

As for leaders, their character traits and personal tendencies make each of them uniquely equipped to be the leaders they are called to be. Understanding their strengths and potentials as a leader is imperative to not only leading others, but also leading themselves effectively.

All the personality profile tools are fantastic. However, the Enneagram stands out because it covers 2/3 of the personality (the MBTI covers only 1/3) and is the only tool that detects the deep and unconscious motivations of the individual.  And I would add that the Enneagram is a non-mental tool, it is an experience that is lived!

Trust, the Team & the Enneagram

Making it possible for a team to give feedback on each other’s strengths and areas for improvement is one way of building lasting Trust in the team.

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